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The Self Sovereign is a newsletter for people who value autonomy and self determination. Each week new articles are published covering a wide range of subjects related to being self sovereign, particularly in the areas of health, finance, and data privacy. Being self sovereign can be generally described as self-ownership, however, self-sovereign people are also consciously aware of how their choices impact the rest of society.

The core goal of this newsletter is to critically evaluate the information we receive about health. During the last couple of years corruption and inadequacies within our health authorities have been laid bare. The Self Sovereign will publish articles that investigate at a deeper level the risks and benefits of treatments, and the conflicts of interest that often exist in health information.

During the pandemic, economies have been decimated. Governments have been printing free money like there is no tomorrow. One fifth of all the US Dollars that exist in the entire world were printed in 2020. Most of this free money went to the richest people in the world. At the same time, money printing has created devastating inflation and national debt in many countries. The gap between the 0.1% and the 99.9% has grown faster than ever before. In addition to the fact that many small to medium sized businesses were forced to close. The Self Sovereign is not intended to be financial advice, but articles will investigate economic trends, financial corruption, and alternatives such as bitcoin. In this subject area articles will also provide information about alternative economies - how we can create new networks to support local community based transactions that avoid giving even more money to a corrupt elite. 

For many people, being self sovereign also includes having control over their own data. This has become a hugely important topic. The Self Sovereign newsletter will report on data privacy abuses and include instructional content on how to protect our personal data. We will also follow the latest trends in the move away from the tech giants to more egalitarian platforms.

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Subscribe to The Self-Sovereign

News and information about health, finance and data privacy.


Independent documentary filmmaker and author.