They killed people. We know it, they know it, everyone knows it. Yet nothing happens. It's beyond infuriating.

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Jeff ,they killed people,is only true in part . It should read. They killed people in the past ,right now and in the future .Also most people believe ,if you go to a hospital with a flu ,they will heal you .Nothing could be farther from the truth .As several nurser who where fired or quit for refusing to murder patients testified ,non of the patients admitted with a respiratory issue came out of the killing centers alive .NON .My brother was one of their victims .

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Yes, the protocols were designed to kill, and that's exactly what they did. So sorry for your loss.

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Jeff your comment is a bit short of the truth .The kill program was and is designed ,past ,now and into the future .I's still going on now . What I object to ,is the word'' were'' ,as in the past ,it's not in the past .

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If you’re that hung up on details, maybe start with your punctuation.

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Jeff you are hung up on details. Forgetting or leaving out some comma, does not change the meaning what I wrote . I do agree with what you wrote. Adding something extra as I did ,enhances your comment

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Excellent little documentary. Well done. Every bit counts and the message is gradually getting through to people.

Since this video was posted Andrew Bridgen MP has done a spectacular job. 1) He wrote to the MET police commissioner insisting on a meeting to allow presentation of evidence showing criminal activity; https://x.com/JimFergusonUK/status/1765289139677618585

2) He also sent copy of a letter to all MPs showing the sudden rise in health problems since 2021:


MPs cannot now plead ignorance and this pressure has, at long last, led to the announcement of a full debate in Parliament on Thursday 18th April. However, this debate will be the last business of the House that week and MPs may use that as an excuse to not be present.

So, it is essential that people now write to their MPs and pressure them into attending. I suggest giving them copy of this video together with copies of Andrew Bridgen's letters and remind them of the forthcoming election.

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The information is out there. One just has to look for it -- and not that hard. So, being a "good citizen" and surrendering natural curiosity to acceptance and intellectual laziness seems to be the happily established norm.

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I'd like to see a similar docu from the US - and other countries actually. Even better, I'd like to see these being referenced on the nightly new...I know, a nice dream.

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Even Pavlov’s Dog

Would Have Figured Out This Charade

And Turned On Its Owner.

Now The Salient Question Is:

How Many Vicious Bites

Would It Take The Doctor

To Turn On Its Owner ?


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Around the spring of 2021, a TV actor in Japan posted a video of his father suffering from a problem due to vaccination on Youtube, but a few days later the video was no longer viewable. By late spring, videos that appeared to be related to vaccinations began to be accompanied by a link directing people to the government's website. This continues as of March 2024.

https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants BillGates Grant Link

He is clearly aware that information control is cheap and highly efficient.

Invested by BillGates → Owned by Alphabet → Owned by Google → Vaccine company

Google censorship → Youtube, Google search

BillGates investment → Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, BioNtech, Moderna

BillGates investment → Information censorship Twitter

BillGates grant → Johns Hopkins Public Health Hospital, Mayo Clinic, and other large hospitals

Other large hospitals also receive aid from pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer.

BillGates grant → famous and unknown US medical journal companies Lancet, Cochran, NEJM, JAMA,

Elzevir (ScienceDirect magazine), NewsGuard, and many other unknown magazines

Or donate a lump sum to the author of his favorite paper.

BillGates grant → Many FactCheck censored companies

BillGates aid → Germany's DerSpiegel, UK's TheGurdian, UK's BBC, US CNN, US NBC/CNBC, US public broadcasting, etc. mainstream media in each country

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Forever and a day! That is how long the FRAUD is destined to last.

This is the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH for staged and highly scripted death and injury.

Barnum and Bailey would marvel at such illusion that so many unsuspectingly, have fallen for.

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If the vast majority of your funding comes from pharma, is it even reasonable to blow the whistle on them? Between bribery, coercion and the ultimate threat of losing your job, it's hard to see how this news ever will break into the MSM.

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What excess deaths? You only have claims. No credible evidence for

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I don’t doubt it! Anyone with any shred of IQ knows China started it!!! I think Fauci got paid big bucks to help!!!

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America OWNS the patents to these vaccines.. The narrative was gonna but REALLY it's the American government in collusion with ALL OTHER governments to cull the herds... They want to kill off at least 6 billion people by 2050. Agenda 21... Which they've updated to agenda 2030 and then agenda 2050... Maps out their plans on the United Nations/WEF/WHO websites...

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The narrative was CHINA not gonna lol

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There are two Human species on this planet now. 1) Those who have refused vaccines like Trump, RFK Junior and Me who remain Human and are protected by the Laws of Humanity 2) Those who volunteered to be vaccinated and were subjected to the vaccines which are a bio weapon, designed to take away their Humanity and which makes them a new species which has Zero Rights of any kind, now owned by the vaccine maker of choice, or the Military who paid for the vaccines and their injections into the arms of the willing, to either kill you, because your bodies are not suitable for genetic modification, or for genetic modification, those that survive the vaccines and the diseases they deliberately deliver like Cancer, as Genocide, if you had remained Human, but no longer are.

Both the WHO and your government, who has signed up to WHO control are behind your planned extermination, because this is in line with the removal of the Human Rubbish which they see us as and the expected reduction of our species, of now, the two species, down to around 500,000 World Wide by 2025/26, better known as the Great Reset, which is online to have occurred according to Deagle's, by then. Further more, governments, all of them are trying to suppress this above information from getting out, by creating New Laws to make these actions punishable, once made into Law, because they don't want you to know they were behind your planned extermination and deaths can be written off as just plain bad luck - the Covid pandemic did it - but how could it have done:


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Mar 19Edited

On YouTube you wrote that the video could not be posted there because of political censorship. Did you try and was it taken down? This is not the first time questions have been raised, stating that you can't post the video due to censorship is a serious claim that you might want to substantiate.

I'm inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt, the documentary on statins was important and raised serious issues. If I hadn't read The Great Cholesterol Con I might not have watched it, I'm glad I did. You were able to share that video on YouTube, how is this different?

A claim of political censorship is a serious accusation. Could you share some additional information? Others have raised questions regarding the vaccine and side effects without being censored, how are you being politically censored?

There's also an issue with viewing the video. The audio will continue but the video won't. I've had to reload this page now several times. At this point I'm just listening to the audio. The first time the video didn't play at all, it was just audio, then I was able to get the video to play but each time at some point it stops.

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You have a lot of catching up to do if you are not aware of the censorship taking place during the last 4 years. You can also search YouTube guidelines and then the subsection concerning vaccines. Interesting that you respond in such a way to this documentary instead of being outraged by what is actually happening.

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Not an ideal response from you. I asked a question courteously. You declined to respond in kind. Treating anyone who asks a question as your enemy is not the way to be heard.

You also didn't answer the question.

I asked in what way you have been politically censored. That was the term you used. You said you couldn't post the entire video on YouTube because you were being politically censored. That is a serious accusation. Did you put the video up and it was taken down? That doesn't appear to have happened.

In what way have you been politically censored with regard to this video specifically? If you had posted it and it was taken down then presumably you would make that clear. You have not.

Instead of offering a response to my question, you chose to attack me by saying that I should be more concerned with the underlying issue. I am concerned with the underlying issue but your use of the term political censorship is a red flag.

You have offered nothing to substantiate your claim that you have been censored. Your video on statins hasn't been taken down. Your other videos are there, why make the claim that this one was politically censored?

I do not have any catching up to do. I am well aware of the atmosphere. There is a difference between being met with derision and disbelief and being politically censored. That's why videos like this one are important and should be seen more widely.

Nowhere did I say that I disagreed, to the contrary I made clear that people should see it. Nonetheless, any suggestion of a question is met with hostility. That is indeed a red flag.

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It is very widely known that Youtube has been censoring any adverse information concerning the jab. It is happening to a lot of the content creators.

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You are absolutely correct . However politely Mr. JLH expresses himself, he must have asleep, particularly for the last four years. It certainly isn't just Facebook, it's the Establishments everywhere.

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Mar 20Edited

Michael, I'm an attorney. I was a judge. I'm not a Mr, it's interesting that you would make that assumption. The point being made is that Justin did not respond to my questions. Instead he deemed it correct to issue an attack.

We don't disagree on the substance, that's the issue. But we don't effectively gain traction when we descend into unwarranted paranoia. He wasn't "politically censored" because he didn't upload the video. He assumed he'd be censored but his other material hasn't been.

Would it be demonitized? Almost certainly and that is unfortunate. But there's a difference between demonitization and being "politically censored."

With respect to Facebook, I don't see the relevance; this was referencing a video on youtube.

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Mar 20Edited

He did not respond. It does not appear that he was "politically censored." He didn't upload the video and it wasn't removed.

I can agree on most of the substance and I do while at the same time calling out unnecessary paranoia. I asked a question courteously and Justin deemed it appropriate to respond with an attack.

The fact is in this case he wasn't censored. When we say something is "widely known" we should be able to substantiate it. Asking a question should not be met with hostility. If it is, that's a red flag.

We should be able to agree or disagree on the substance without descending into rudeness and paranoia. "Widely known" and "a lot of content creators" is similar to "many people say" -- without substantiation.

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What patronising waffle from someone with clearly a lot of time on their hands. Why would it "interesting that (I) should make that assumption .... etc."? And if you were indeed an attorney/judge, I' surprised that you are unable to spell 'monetise' (or monetize) correctly.

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He did reply to you directing you toThe subsection in there YouTube guidelines about vaccines... Anyone who tries to inform the public about these vaccines is sensor regardless what platform they are in.. Even here on substack we can't even watch the video published.. That's not by accident. I can attest that what he is saying about censorship is true as I've had to start new profiles myself due to being suspended because of what I posted... Most platforms you can publish just about ANYTHING... But the actual truth.

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Sorry about the grammar mistakes here .. my auto correct likes to make me look illiterate lol

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